
The Good, Bad & Ugly of the Infinite Banking Concept

There are a number of pros and cons associated with Infinite Banking.

Pros of Infinite Banking

Cons of Infinite Banking

Ability to have your “own bank” and lend money from it without paying interest to the 3rd party lenders.

Costs of a whole life insurance policy.

No need to go through a long lending process if you need a loan.

Not a good choice for those looking for short-term results as it takes years to accumulate a meaningful cash value to borrow against.

Ability to grow the cash value of a policy even faster with a participating whole life insurance policy that pays benefits.

Not a good choice for people who can not easily get access to a whole life insurance policy (e.g. due to health pre-conditions).

Ability to select unstructured payment instead of a predefined payment plan.

You need to have a very solid understanding of the infinite banking concept since there is a chance, because it is along-term strategy, that an advisor who set it up for you will not be there after several years.

Ability to transfer wealth across generations via the use of a participating whole life insurance.

The interest on a policy loan is typically more than the earnings. Remember that loans range from 8%-10% with returns ranging from 4%-6%. Each loan affects future earning potential.

Ability to benefit from an array of financial benefits e.g. lower interest rates, lack of market volatility, lack of penalty or late payment fees, etc.

Any policy loan in excess of the adjusted cost basis of the life insurance policy will be 100% taxable to the individual.


Pros of Infinite Banking:

  1. Your Personal Bank: Imagine having your very own bank! With Infinite Banking, you can lend money to yourself without paying interest to third-party lenders. It’s like having your financial powerhouse.
  2. Quick Access to Loans: Say goodbye to lengthy loan processes! Need a loan? No problem! Infinite Banking allows you to get quick access to funds when you need them.
  3. Supercharge Cash Value: With a participating whole life insurance policy, you can turbocharge the cash value of your policy and enjoy added benefits.
  4. Flexible Payments: Unlike rigid payment plans, Infinite Banking lets you choose unstructured payments, giving you more control over your finances.
  5. Wealth Transfer: Pass on your wealth across generations using participating whole life insurance, ensuring a secure financial future for your loved ones.
  6. Financial Perks: Enjoy a range of financial benefits, such as lower interest rates, stability during market fluctuations, and no pesky penalty or late payment fees.
  7. Interest Earnings Continue: Even if you borrow against the cash value, your money keeps earning interest. It’s a win-win!

Cons of infinite banking:

  1. Insurance Policy Costs: It’s important to consider the costs of a whole life insurance policy, which can be a factor to keep in mind.
  2. Long-Term Strategy: Infinite Banking isn’t a quick fix; it takes time to build up a significant cash value to borrow against. Short-term seekers, beware!
  3. Health Pre-Conditions: If you have health conditions, obtaining a whole life insurance policy may be challenging, limiting your options.
  4. Understanding Complexity: Infinite Banking requires a solid grasp of the concept since it’s a long-term strategy. Ensure you’re knowledgeable or have a reliable advisor.
  5. Interest vs. Earnings: Be aware that the interest on a policy loan might exceed the earnings, impacting future earning potential.
  6. Tax Implications: If a policy loan surpasses the adjusted cost basis of the insurance policy, it becomes 100% taxable.


Explore the realm of Infinite Banking with both its alluring advantages and important considerations to make the best financial decisions for your future.