
Get a FREE, One-on-One Strategy Session to Explore How You Can Benefit from Estate Planning

See if Estate Planning is right for you. We’ll answer all your questions and show you how to get started.

What is Estate Planning?

The term Estate Planning conjures up imagery of grandeur.  Perhaps that use to be true…in the days of the Carnegies, Rockefellers, Kennedys & such.  Can you imagine spelling a name wrong and it appearing 30 times in a document?  The time it would have taken to correct such an error?  Today Estate Planning is for everyone from 18-99…It’s about having control of your affairs under all circumstances.  You are making your decisions today regarding who will step in for you should that unfortunate incapacitation or death occur.  We are all dying after all, but when?  We also have a better chance of becoming incapacitated before we die, due to our wonderful medical advancements.  If you don’t get these documents in place before a situation arises, someone will have to step up to the plate, along with an Attorney to get these important documents in place.  Which way do you think would be more expensive?

How Does The Process Work?

The first step, is to make an appointment for a consultation.  We never charge for this.  It is a time for you to get your questions answered & learn what types of  Estate Planning documents are available.  It is also time for you to decide if you want to work with us.  There are many great firms out there and you want to enjoy the people that are helping you.  These documents are very personal and the process can be emotional.  It’s important that you feel safe and free to discuss your unique family dynamic without judgement.  It’s important that the end result is your plan, not the one that we fit your into.  We pride ourselves in listening to our clients and addressing all of their concerns.  We can handle any scenario that will work best for your family.